Scottish Heavy Athletics
The Saskatchewan Highland Gathering and Celtic Festival is proud to host the Scottish Open/Amateur Athletics competition at this year’s Festival. The heavy events are well known staples to the Highland games around the world. They are the precursor to modern strongman competitions and two Olympic track and field events (shot put and hammer); these feats of strength and athletic ability are rich in tradition and truly are the ‘original extreme games’!
Many thanks to Kodiak Property Management for their support of this year’s contest!
Looking forward to another fantastic day in 2025!
Entry Form is Live!
• Location: Victoria Park, Regina.
Enter via main gate. Registered athletes will be on the list for entry, and will pick up their competitor number there.
• Date: Saturday, May 17. Events start at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday.
• Hotels: If you are booking hotels, please use one of the RHA member hotels listed HERE, and be sure to ask for the Highland Games rate!
The SHGCF will not be able to support competitor travel or accommodation expenses.
• Trophies for Amateur - 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Athletic Director: Neil Brown
Field Judge: Les Mullen
Announcing: Trent Fraser
Rules: Canadian Scottish Athletic Federation
Order of Events:
1. Braemar Stone
2. Light hammer throw
3. Heavy weight for distance
4. Open stone
5. Heavy hammer throw
6. Tossing the Caber
7. Light weight for distance
8. Weight for height (or Weight over bar)
9. Sheaf Toss
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SHGCF Scottish Athletics Events
Open Stone
Precursor the to the modern Olympic shot put, the Open Stone is a well recognized event. Within the rectangular throwing area, the athletes build up momentum for a powerful release. Quick feet and functional strength are the keys to a good throw in the Open Stone, and those who try to over muscle it usually wind up disappointed. Track and Field athletes have an advantage here, but a good all round Highland gamer can keep pace with the best of them.
Games Record- 53’ 10.5” 55’ 2.5”
Braemar Stone
Without question, this event is the most ancient of Highland games heavy events. A true test of brute strength, the Braemar Stone is a heavy field stone weighing up to 28 pounds and thrown with one hand from a standing position. A good throw in this event will put an athlete in a good position for the rest of the competition.
Games Record- 43’ 6.5”
Hammer throw
The Scot’s hammer is a 16 or 22 pound ball at the end of a rigid 50” handle. Unlike the Olympic hammer, athletes must throw the traditional hammer with feet firmly planted, relying on strength and power rather than momentum and speed to hurl the implement as far as they can. These two events are the longest of them all.
Games Records- light hammer: 139’ 4.5” Heavy Hammer: 111’ 8.5” 113’ 5”
Caber Toss
Gaelic for “tree,” the caber toss event is just that—flipping a tree end for end and it is the most recognizable event of the Highland games. The name of the game is accuracy and the athlete who can flip the caber the straightest (closest to 12:00on a clock face) will win the title.
Weight Over Bar
A staple to strongman competitions, the weight over bar is a true test of strength. Putting this event in perspective, picking up a 5 gallon pail full of water and throwing that one handed into a second story bedroom window would be very close…all you would need is another gallon to make it a full 56 pounds!
Games Record- 17’ 1”
Sheaf Toss
In the sheaf you will see these athletes throw is a burlap bag filled with twine resembling a sheaf of wheat, and the goal is to throw it as high as possible over a bar. The Canadian record holder will be on hand at the Western Canadian Championships hoping to eclipse his record toss of over 34 feet high.
Games Record- Heavy Sheaf: 34’ 3” Light Sheaf: 40’
Light Weight for Distance
The light weight for distance is truly remarkable to watch. This weighted ball at the end of an 18” chain is thrown for maximum distance with one hand similar to the Olympic discus event. The only difference is the light weight outweighs the disc by over 23 pounds!
Games Record- 82’ 2.5”
Heavy Weight for Distance
Take that same pail of water in the weight for height and spin 920° to gain momentum for a throw for maximum distance, and you have the heavy weight for distance. A four stone or 56 pound weight at the end of an 18” chain is thrown by these athletes. Requiring more skill and strength than any other event, look for the winner of the heavy weight for distance to win the Western Canadian title.
Games Record- 45’ 10”
For heavy events information, contact: